Saturday, November 1, 2008

HN2 Session - From the Floor

Hi again,

I attended HN2 1130am dialogue today. Sad to see many who has been banking with DBS for ages and places full trust with our National Bank (DBS) is missold a product that is misrepresented as Low Risk.

Nothing new from Rajan who sounded like a broken record repeating that DBS will "DO THE RIGHT THING"!!

From the floor, there are several points which I thought worth top mention:
1: HN2 has a second basket of 100 companies of which none of us are make aware of until only recently
2: a proposal for DBS to redeem HN2 and refund investors & DBS can collect the "coupons" rec' no response from Rajan
3: a possible fraud?? This guy from the floor make mention & even suggested that the previous CEO (no name mention) may be the mastermind of the whole fiasco. Who own/crafted this HN2 & HN5. Where are these people now. Is it possible that they are foreign cronies of then CEO? It is piublic knowledge that DBS pays big fat salary to departing CEO who created this shit. Unfortunately, the new CEO have to clean up this shit & carry the burden to satisfy HK investors first.

I hv now rec' DBS letter on HN5 about the Zero value. For me, I will first go thru the recommended pocess of interview scheduled on about Nov 17. I hv yet to file the official template complaint letter to DBS. I welcome additional points for a unfied and strong case!

Tks & Regards



Anonymous said...

It is a clear cut fraud. Only our world class A-team leaders pretend to be not.

Obedient and law abidding Singaporeans get cheated deeply by foreign talents and yet our world class leaders act blurr.

Greatest joke in the 21 century.

Anonymous said...

Be very cautious when you meet DBS for discussion and DO NOT sign anything as this can be used against you in the event of going to court.